Summer 2016 Prayer Guide

We invite you to journey with us this summer in Asia!

1. India         July 12-July 16; July 20-24
2. Bhutan     July 17-19
3. Thailand   July 25-30
4. Indonesia July 31-August 10

This prayer guide takes you through thirty days of prayer as we travel. Thank you for your partnership!

Prayer Guide Aug 2016

On-Going Prayer Needs for 10/40 Connections 

Pray for Divine Love.
Ask God to help 10/40 Connections love in words, actions, faith, and truth. Pray we would love Christ deeply and show our love to him by our love for others. (1 John 3:18)
Pray for Open Doors.
Ask God to provide divine connections and open doors for our indigenous partners and cross-cultural workers to share the hope they have found in Christ. (Revelation 3:8)
Pray for Divine Protection.
Ask God to offer protection to our indigenous partners, staff, and cross-cultural workers from physical harm and spiritual attack. (Romans 16:20, Ephesians 6:11)
Pray for Steadfast Stamina.
Ask God to enable 10/40 staff, indigenous partners, and cross-cultural workers not to grow weary in doing good, for their love not to grow cold, and for them to maintain trust in the God of all hope in a difficult world. (1 Corinthians 15:58, Matthew 24:12, Romans 15:13)

2016 Summer Prayer Calendar

12 July      Depart for Asia. Please pray that God would help us walk in faith and courage—not fear or timidity. Pray for good connections, open doors to share the Good News, and rest on the planes.
13 July      Still flying. Pray for Joeli’s back as she for travels so long. Pray for Phoebe (and us!) as one of our flights is 16 hours long. Arrive in India late at night. Pray for quick adjustment to jet lag.
14 July      Meet with 22 girls from Arise Home. Pray we offer encouragement to girls who have had very hard lives. Pray for Joeli, Eden, and Phoebe as they play with girls ranging in ages from 4-15. The 22 girls will probably smother them with hugs and love! Pray for our Nepali partner who is coming down for meetings with us and also taking back lots of Voice for the Voiceless supplies. Pray for powerful meetings as we meet with three different partners.
15 July      Ummeed – We meet with one of 10/40’s church planting partners. Pray for us as we seek to discover how the seminars used in North India to equip women as church planters can be used in neighboring nations. Pray for our kids who will be in 100+ degree heat and outside all day.
16 July      Women’s Meeting – Pray for Leslie as she conducts a women’s seminar. We will meet with other partners and friends on this day. Delhi has less than 1% Christian out of 22 million people. Pray for Phoebe to do well with so much attention.
17 July      Fly to Bhutan. Pray for the Dakpa people of Bhutan who with no known believers. Pray for us as we meet with and encourage some of the few believers of the nation. We cannot wait to set our feet in the Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan for the sake of Jesus. Please pray protection over us in this Buddhist stronghold.
18 July      Voice for the Voiceless seminar in Thimphu, Bhutan. Pray God will raise up several to become teachers of the curriculum. Pray for Leslie as she teaches the curriculum for the first time into the Buddhist context. Pray for discernment.
19 July      Long drive to India on dangerous roads. Meeting with a church planting partner in Jaigaon and seeing a 10/40 business of a goat farm. Pray for not queasy stomachs as we drive on curvy Himalayan roads.
20 July      Voice for the Voiceless seminar in Yangang, Sikkim. Pray for Chad and the kids as Leslie teaches. Pray for anointing over Leslie as she teaches.
21 July      Lots more driving on dangerous roads. Pray for good family time in the cramped car! Pray for good conversations with a potential new 10/40 partner who will travel with us. Pray for good conversations with our kids.
22 July      Voice for the Voiceless seminar in Darjeeling, Sikkim. Pray God will use the curriculum to protect many babies.
23 July Lots of driving on dangerous roads. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News during the travels.
24 July      A needed day off! Ask God to renew us and give us rest in His presence.
25 July      Fly to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We are here exploring the possibilities of moving to Thailand. Pray for wisdom for our family.
26 July      Pray for us as we look at possible schools and locations for living. Pray God will speak clearly to us. Pray God might speak personally to Joeli and Eden.
27 July      Pray for the millions of Buddhists in Thailand who have never experienced Jesus. Pray we have some solid conversations on this day.
28 July      Pray for the many female slaves of Thailand. Pray God will set them free! Pray for Joeli’s and Eden’s heart of compassion to grow. Pray for connections we are making again with Chinese friends who now serve in Thailand.
29 July      Pray for the Burmese refugees settled in Thailand. Pray they will hear of Jesus, respond to him, and for churches to be established in refugee camps.
30 July      Pray God might help us make some critical connections in Thailand for 10/40 Connections. Pray Phoebe will do well seeing many people who look like her! Pray we can keep up with her!
31 July      Fly to Jakarta, Indonesia. Pray for uneventful travel. Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in the world. Pray for grandparents on their way to Indonesia.
1 August      We start training for the Lausanne’s Young Leaders Gathering. Today we attend training with other mentors from all over the world for the connect groups of over 1,000 younger leaders (25-35 years) coming from over 150 nations. We are Lausanne’s Catalysts for Male/Female Partnership so we are going to YLG to represent this issue. Therefore we are serving as mentors and speakers at seminars. Today our daughter Joy would have turned 7 years old if she had been born. Usually a day of reflection and remembering.
2 August      Today is Chad’s birthday! Pray God will give him strength. Pray for the kids to help him feel special! Today we meet all day with catalysts of 35 other global issues. Pray for safety for our kids as we have meetings.
3 August      1,000 young leaders arrive and the conference begins. Pray God will help us balance work and kids. Pray God will continue to grow the heart of Joeli and Eden and Phoebe for the nations.
4 August      We teach a seminar and meet with our mentees daily. Pray for anointing as we teach and facilitate. Pray that as we facilitate a small group of people from different nations that we will be able to hear God’s story in each of them and ask pertinent questions that help them under stand God’s work in their lives.
5 August      Conference. Today we teach an advanced workshop for our issue. Pray that as global leaders meet together we would hear any direction God might give for global unified efforts. Pray for our kids as they will meet and interact with people from hundreds of nations.
6 August      We have a day off. Pray for great time with our kids and Chad’s parents. Pray for renewal and strength.
7 August      Conference. Please pray for our continued work in Nepal as the maternity construction takes place. Pray God will continue to keep Joeli and Eden and Phoebe healthy as they become tired.
8 August      Conference. Please pray that in the midst of the conference, God might whisper new vision or direction and that we would be able to hear it!
9 August      Conference. Pray for us as we continue to make connections with believers from multiple nations. Pray we would discern God’s timing for any new initiatives. Pray for us as we continue to meet with our mentees and have many one-on-one meetings with younger leaders.
10 August      Conference. Pray for us as we complete the conference and have the Lord’s Supper with people from over 150 nations. Powerful! Pray for those from difficult nations to have no struggles returning to their nations.
11 August      Depart late on 10th and fly! Cross the international date line. Pray Joeli, Eden, and Phoebe can rest. August 11 we arrive back in the USA, drive back to Chattanooga, and attend school orientation! Pray the kids adjust well to the time change so they can start school strong! Rest for ALL of us!


Thank you for joining us on your knees!

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†  If you desire to donate by check, it can be mailed to:

10/40 Connections
2120 Northgate Park Lane, #400
Chattanooga, TN 37415
10/40 Connections is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization.